
Herbs for Migraines

With the rising prices of pharmaceutical medications, a lot of people are searching for natural solutions to treat their migraines. Below is a list of herbs thought to be beneficial in the treatment of migraine headaches.

Disclaimer: This list is not to be used to diagnose, treat or manage any condition. Do not start or stop any treatment without first consulting with your healthcare provider.

  • Ginger is naturally an anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial substance. It has been used to treat the onset of migraine headaches. Phytotherapy Research released a study that showed that ginger treated headaches in some patients as well as the medication, sumatriptan. To read the study click here- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23657930
  • Basil isn’t just for seasoning your traditional Italian dishes! When used as a tonic, basil has analgesic and warming effects on the body, which may help inflammation and pain caused by migraines. It can also be used as a natural muscle relaxant, which may help soothe fibromyalgia pain and ease menstrual cramping.
  • The herb Butterbur has natural anti-inflammatory processes which relax the blood vessels in the brain and works as a natural beta-blocker to encourage normal blood flow. It has been used as a  natural migraine preventative. Use caution if you are on any blood-thinning medications with this herb as it may cause additional issues.
  • Also known as medieval aspirin or Wild chamomile, this herb has been used to treat migraine headaches since the dark ages. It has natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and is a mild tranquilizer.
  • Ancient Greek and Roman cultures used Valerian to treat headaches and insomnia. It has a natural calming effect on the body and is useful in treating tension and stress-related headaches. Valerian can be used as a tincture, taken in capsule form or diffused as an essential oil.

Herbal remedies can sometimes be a great alternative to pharmaceutical medications but also be advised that just because a substance is natural does not mean it is harmless and will not cause side effects.  Always research anything you put into your body, this includes medications, herbs, and natural remedies.