
Ways to Naturally Reduce Stress

Stress is a common problem with most people. With all the problems of life such as work, personal problems, health issues and other responsibilities it is easy to get overwhelmed. Below is a list of natural ways to reduce stress and help you live calmer life.

1- Prioritize

As humans, we tend to take on more than we can handle. It is important to prioritize your life so you do not get overwhelmed. Life can require a lot from you but you do not have to run yourself ragged trying to complete everything at once.

Make a list of all the things that are required of you and number them according to importance. Then determine how much time to a lot to each task. Are there things on your list that you could eliminate? Are you spreading yourself too thin? Carefully review the items on your list and eliminate anything that is not necessary or beneficial.

2- Delegate

Once you have written your list of tasks, review it to see if there is anything you can delegate to someone else. Are there some tasks you could ask for help with?  For example, could you ask a family member to help you fold laundry? Could you ask for help on an assignment at work?  Delegating tasks is a great way to prevent being overwhelmed.

3- Use Essential Oils

Using essential oils can help you feel less stressed and have been utilized to help naturally induce a calmer atmosphere. Suggested practices for natural stress relief is to diffuse or topically apply essential oils such as lavender, rose or jasmine.

4- Breathing Exercises

Breathing is something that we all do, but how many of us are truly aware of how we are breathing. A helpful tip for reducing stress is to practice breathing exercises. There are many free youtube videos and internet resources you can watch to show you how to use breathing as a relaxation technique.

5- Spend Time with Loved Ones

A great way to reduce stress is to surround yourself with people you can enjoy life with.Spend time with people who encourage you, listen to you and make you laugh can help you heal when you feel like you’re at wit’s end. Call a friend, send a text or email.There is no shame in reaching out if you need a good friend’s company!


If you are truly stressed, it is important to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. We here at White Naturals want all our clients to experience the best life possible! Please reach out if you are feeling overwhelmed.